We offer a range of open and bespoke training and workshops for your organisation - online or in person.

Leah was fantastic - a great balance of professionalism and fun. I have never been on a Zoom course before and I did have my doubts however I want to book another one right away!

Details and course overviews for some of our most popular training courses and workshops are listed below. We may be able to support in other areas too, so do get in touch if there is something you think we can help with.

All our training can be delivered face to face on online - and both included interactive group work and use a range of learning approaches create impactful training courses and sessions.

We also offer e-learning opportunities, where you can work at your own pace.

Please contact us if you would like training delivered in-house or to host an open course.

Our current training courses and workshops

Strategy and planning

  • Theory of Change – three words we have probably all heard, whether from our Boards, funders, colleagues or partners. But just what is a Theory of Change – and how might it be of use to a small organisation in the voluntary sector?

    This session seeks to answer those questions!

    Who is it for: Leaders and Managers in small charities and social enterprises

    Length: 60 minutes

    Format: Face to face or online

    Download the course overview

  • This course will help you understand what a income strategy is, what it contains, and how it can help you focus your organisation’s resources in the most productive way.

    We will consider income options in the context of the current climate for the voluntary sector, and look at the practicalities around developing an income generation strategy.

    Who is it for: Leaders and those engaged in fundraising in small charities and social enterprises

    Length: Full day

    Format: Face to face or online

    Download the course overview

Income generation

  • Your time is precious and good funding opportunities few, so make sure every application is as strong as possible with this course which can be delivered in house or with a mixed group.

    Whether you’re a complete beginner, or require a refresher - this course if for you!

    Who is it for: Anyone involved in writing funding applications or bids

    Length: Full day or half-day

    Format: Face to face, online, or via e-learning

    Download the course overview

  • Are you worried about your organisational resilience? Perhaps you are looking at different ways to support you work? Or maybe you are thinking about how to take your team with you?

    This course will help you to develop your understanding of the different types of income available and how to make strategic decisions in line with your organisational strategy and values.

    Who is it for: Senior level executives of small charities and social enterprises

    Length: Full day or half day

    Format: Face to face or online Training

    Download the course overview

Money stuff

  • If you’re in the early stages of starting up your organisation and are looking for funds to help you grow, develop or even get off the ground, this course will help point you in the right direction.

    Who is it for: Leaders and Founders of charities and social enterprises at the early stages of their development.

    Length: 90 minutes

    Format: Face to face or online

    Download the course overview

  • Confused about how much to ask from funders, commissioners or customers? Not sure where to start – then this is the place!

    Who is it for: Leaders and Managers of small charities and social enterprises.

    Length: Two hours

    Format: Face to face or nline

    Download the course overview

  • So you want “core” funding for your organisation? Well how about adopting a full cost recovery methodology to help you achieve this! This session explains the rationale, the process and unpicks some of the myths and perceived challenges around a full cost recovery approach, signposting to useful tools and resources and packed full of useful tips.

    Who is it for: Leaders and Managers in small charities

    Length: 90 minutes

    Format: Face to face or Online

    Download the course overview


  • This session will provide participants with the knowledge and tools to support and enable their organisation to fundraise effectively and sustainably, and take an active role in supporting their organisation to do so.

    Who is it for: Charity Trustees

    Length: 90 minutes

    Format: Face to face or online

    Download the course overview here

 Want to learn at your own pace?

We know that accessing training at a set time can be tricky, so we have developed some of our training into self-led e-learning that you can access at your own pace. Find out more about the courses available here

What do people say about our training?

Book an open training course


Building Income Resilience for Chief executives

CEO’s of small charities and social enterprises

28 February 2025

Delivered in partnership with Blume, this training course is designed for leaders of small charities and social enterprises.

You will explore how best to protect and nurture existing income and how to identify plausible new income options, all in the context of today’s environment.  You will then consider how to navigate the practical and ethical issues that may arise and how to lead the structural and cultural change you may need to introduce. You will do all this in the company of your fellow participants who will all be CEOs of small charities. This will give you an opportunity to share your own experiences and learn from the experiences of others.

The course consists of six one-hour sessions which will take place on Fridays at 9.30am. There will be a maximum of twelve participants to give attendees a chance to share and learn from each other in a manageable way. 

Excellent content which was really relevant, expertly delivered by Leah and it was brilliant to connect with other people in a similar situation.
— acqui Wordsworth, Women into Construction CIC


All organisations

12 March 2025 (09.30 - 12.30)

When you write a funding application, how often are you successful? Your time is precious and there are few good funding opportunities; every application needs to be as strong as possible. In this online training course, you will learn how to write solid funding applications with confidence and with focus.

This is open access training run and delivered by Leah Selinger, and hosted by NCVO.

I have been on previous grant writing courses before as we have not got much experience of grant writing as a small charity. However my confidence has most certainly increased. I feel I have been given sufficient knowledge and the right tools to write successful bids.
— Victoria Abbott-Fleming, Burning Nights CRPS Support


For more information about training, please contct us using the form below